We are in our final week of house sitting in Qualicum Beach,Vancouver Island. The time has passed very quickly, and we making sure we catch up with everyone before we leave.
This time of year brings the Brant geese, in their hundreds to the area. They are migrating from Mexico on their way to Alaska to mate. They stop off in our neighbourhood to feed and restore some of the weight they have lost on their journey so far.
Their migration co-insides with the herring spawn. There has been a great deal of activity all along the coast with sea lions, harbour seals, fishermen and tonnes of sea gulls. They are all waiting to have their fill of the herring, which spawn in their thousands before heading back out to deeper waters.
The water colour is black at first with the number of fish, and then it goes a turquoise colour when the eggs have been laid. The sea lions can be heard barking all night and they compete for the fish with the gulls in a feeding frenzy.
Where we are house sitting we have had a ring side seat throughout all of these proceedings. Since the first day of Spring, the weather is gradually getting warmer, the frogs are croaking in the pond and the ducks are beginning to pair off. The Bald Eagles, having finished nest building back in February, are now staying closer to the nest, perhaps the young won't be long arriving.
The cherry trees are in blossom and the daffodils and crocus are blooming. We arrived as the trees were losing their leaves back in November, and we will be leaving with signs of new life all around us.
On this house sit we have made many new friends and we will keep in touch with them from now on, via the Internet. We have had some marvelous experiences with the SPCA and ETRA, and helping out at local charity events around Christmas. We have met many of the neighbours in our street, everyone making us very welcome, and part of the community. We feel like locals.
We will be leaving Angus in the capable hands of his owners. He has been a pleasure to look after, and we will miss him. We have loads of photos to remind us of the fun the three of us have had.