As we travel around quite a bit, in the UK and Europe we rely on our lap tops a great deal. They become a portable telephone, a way of actually seeing our friends and family via web cam and an easy way to visit the bank as well as keeping in touch with clients.
We like to dip in and out of tv programmes whilst we are travelling around, and with most tv channels we are able to use the iplayers provided with each channel. This is most useful whilst we are abroad as the time difference sometimes makes it inconvenient to watch live tv. However you are only able to access UK channels via the internet whilst in the UK, so when abroad we use a service called i Portal.
By signing into this service you effectively use a UK based server. The service is also useful when emailing from outside the UK, for using tools like spellcheck. If you are in France, for example, and using spellcheck the tool will automatically spellcheck in french, unless you are connected to i portal.
The service makes our life so much easier and for a small subscription either annually or monthly we would not be without it.
To find out more about i Portal go to our 'Links Page' on our website.