Millie is the first Labradoodle we have had the pleasure of looking after. She is 10 years old and lives in Crete. She has been relieved of her coat for the summer months, and as you can see she loves to play in the sea.
Labradoodles come in a variety of sizes and coat types. They can be curly, scruffy, smooth, fleecy or wavy. They come in standard poodle size, like Millie or minature. The breed originates from the 1970's and they are good all round dogs, good gun dogs and very obedient. Depending on the type of coat some breeds do not shed their coat. They have a life span of between 13 - 15 years.
The Labradoodle is a very loyal dog, they love human company and the company of other dogs. We have been introduced to a number of people whilst out on our walks, as although we do not know the person coming towards us, Millie obviously does, and becomes very pleased to see them! We have made lots of new friends this way.

If you would like to find out a bit more about this lovely breed, check out the links below.
Labradoodle Club of Great Britain
Labradoodle Trust

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