The weather is windy and a fresh 8 degrees, blowing in off of the Georgia Straits. We have had a good deal of rain in November, which is usual for this time of year.
Today though the sun is out and the clouds are scudding across the sky at high speed.
With the right gear on, it has been very pleasant to take a bracing walk along the beach, picking up a variety of coloured shells.
There are plenty of empty, pure white oyster shells, strewn all along the beach. We walk along with the dog going in and out of the sea,

The stretch of water in our neighbourhood faces out onto the Straits of Georgia, part of the inside passage which leads to Alaska. The big cruise liners coming from Vancouver pass here on their way to Alaska. In the Spring we will be able to see the herring shoals swimming by, and the sea lions that will be following them.

All this whilst we are being watched by a pair of Bald Eagles perching in the tall fir trees that line the water's edge. One swoops down to fish in the sea before it returns to its mate.

As pet sitters, our dog walks are never dull or monotonous.
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